Outdoor Activities and Emotional Well-being

We can help you ‘fully fund’ your School’s adventure activities!

Outdoor Activities and Emotional Well-beingOutdoor Activities and Emotional Well-being

Most teachers and parents are aware of the physical benefits from outdoor activities; but what about the emotional and social? With increasing pressures of exams and an already fully-packed curriculum it can be easy to push outdoor activities to the back of a long list of priorities. However, with an increasing body of evidence suggesting that outdoor learning and school activities can boost the welfare and performance of children at school, it’s time to reconsider the positive affect a school event or expedition can have on its pupils.

With the right planning, an effective trip or activity can achieve a wide-range of positive outcomes, from higher levels of health and well-being, increased attainment and productivity, decreased stress, and improved interpersonal and social skills.Outdoor Activities and Emotional Well-being

Interacting with nature has been found to reduce stress in young people and has been recognised as a factor in boosting self-esteem and sense of identity and community. According to a recent report by Plymouth University, evidence reveals that lack of exposure to natural environments “denies children the opportunity to develop understandings and experiences that will have a long term impact on the quality of their lives, particularly in relation to their physical health and wellbeing and ‘character capabilities’ such as application, self-regulation, empathy, creativity, and innovation, and their capacity to be successful learners and active contributing members for a sustainable society.”

Outdoor activities (such as, rock climbing, canoeing, biking, coasteering, etc.) can have an equally positive effect. Socially, children will be more adaptable, better at getting along with others, as well as more creative and physically healthier. Outdoor learning provides opportunities to make learning physical and fun; an activity such as orienteering can help develop a child’s maths and geography skills as well as provide opportunity to develop physically and emotionally.

Outdoor Activities and Emotional Well-beingA recent a US study has found outdoor activities and connecting with nature can benefit children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), improving attention and behaviour from as little as a guided walk for twenty-minutes in a green area.

“environments can enhance attention not only in the general population but also in ADHD populations.”

Sensory walks in nature can have an important role to play in the development of all children. For children who have specific difficulty, such as those with autism or sensory integration dysfunction disorder, these walks can help to fine tune motor skills, improve language and have a calming effect.

With this growing wealth of evidence emphasising the importance of outdoor activities on children’s well-being, contrasted with increasing pressure from exams and timetable, the clear solution is for one to support the other, working together to benefit the future of our children.

  • If you require information on any service/activity not listed, please state in the comment box provided. We are always happy to advise and help in the planning of bespoke activity adventure days.